50ml straight round bottle refillable spray color perfume glass bottle with uv plated screw cap
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Introducing, the MOC PACK’s 50ml straight round bottle refillable spray color perfume glass bottle with UV plated screw cap! This stunning perfume bottle is perfect for those who love to carry their favorite fragrances on-the-go.
Crafted with high-quality glass, this bottle has a unique design that is sleek and sophisticated. The 50ml capacity is perfect for those who are always on the move and need a bottle that is both compact and refillable. The spray top allows for a fine mist of perfume to be applied with ease, ensuring that you smell your best all day long.
The MOC PACK’s refillable perfume bottle comes in a range of colors, allowing you to choose the perfect shade to match your personality and style. The spray top and screw cap are both UV plated, providing an added layer of protection against harmful UV rays that can damage your perfume. This ensures that your perfume stays fresh and fragrant for longer.
Not only is this perfume bottle practical and functional, but it also looks beautiful and elegant. The sleek design and high-quality glass make it a must-have for those who appreciate the finer things in life. The MOC PACK brand is well-known for their exceptional quality and attention to detail, making this perfume bottle a reliable choice for anyone who loves to smell amazing.
Whether you're heading to work, running errands, or going out for a night on the town, this refillable perfume bottle is the perfect accessory to carry with you. The compact size and durable glass make it easy to slip into your purse or backpack without worrying about spills or breakage

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Hangzhou Mochen Packaging Co., Ltd

Бид БНХАУ-ын Жэжян хотод төвтэй, 2019 оноос хойш Хойд Америк (30.00%), Баруун Европ (15.00%), Хойд Европ (10.00%), Дундад Дорнод (10.00%), Далайн (10.00%), Өмнөд Ази (5.00%), Африк (5.00%), Зүүн Америк (5.00%), Зүүн өмнөд Ази (5.00%), Зүүн өмнөд Ази (5.00%). Европ (11%). Манай албанд нийт 50-XNUMX орчим хүн байдаг
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Тээвэрлэлтийн өмнө үргэлж эцсийн хяналт шалгалт хийх;
3. Та манайхаас юу худалдаж авч болох вэ
Хуванцар сав, хуванцар шахуурга, хуванцар таг, хуванцар шүршигч, цаасан хоолой
4. яагаад бусад ханган нийлүүлэгчдээс биш манайхаас худалдан авах ёстой гэж
Hangzhou Mochen Packaging Co., Ltd нь Хятад дахь хувийн арчилгаа, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүний сав баглаа боодлын мэргэжлийн үйлдвэрлэгч юм. Манай бүтээгдэхүүнд лонх, шахуурга, таг, лонх багтдаг бөгөөд манай бүтээгдэхүүнийг 50 гаруй оронд борлуулдаг. Хэрэглэгчийн тэргүүлэх чиглэл, нэгдүгээрт чанар
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