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Luxuria in Medio Oriente Dubai Arabia aurum zincum mixtura unguentum utrem pileum corona plastica pileum pro medicamine liquoris vitrei unguenti

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Introducing, the Luxury Middle East Dubai Arabia Gold Zinc Alloy Perfume Bottle Cap Plastic Crown Cap for Cosmetic Liquor Glass Perfume Bottle by MOC PACK. This exquisite bottle cap is designed to enhance the allure of your perfumes and cosmetics with its opulent shiny gold finish and intricate detailing.


Crafted from high-quality zinc alloy material, this bottle cap is not only durable but also lightweight, making it easy to handle and use. The cap's smooth surface is coated with a layer of gold plating, which adds to its luxurious appeal and makes it resistant to tarnish and corrosion that often affect other metallic products.


The cap features a unique crown shape, making it stand out from the more conventional bottle caps. The highly detailed moldings on it exude elegance and sophistication, and leave no doubt that this is a product truly worthy of its luxury branding.


The crown cap also fits snugly over the neck of most standard cosmetic liquor glass perfume bottles, ensuring a secure and air-tight seal that helps keep your fragrance fresh and long-lasting. The cap is versatile enough to be used with other glass bottles as well, making it an ideal accessory for those who appreciate class and luxury in all aspects of their lives.


What's more, this bottle cap is incredibly easy to install and remove. Its plastic inner liner ensures that it stays in place when you screw it onto the bottle, while the top part of the cap pops off with ease when you need to refill or replace the perfume in the bottle

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Hangzhou Mochen Packaging Co., Ltd est Lorem Manufacturer Personalis Curae Et Medicamine Products Packging in Sinis. Producta nostra includunt utrem, sentinam, pileum et dolia, fructus nostros plus quam 50 terris venditus est. Lorem prioritate, Quality Primum

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