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Şûşeya valahiya zivirî 15ml 30ml 50ml şûşeya serumê ya luks a bê hewa

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Looking for a reliable and efficient vacuum bottle to store your beauty products? Look no further than the Double Wall Straight Round Rotary Vacuum Bottle by MOC PACK!


This premium bottle comes in three sizes - 15ml, 30ml and 50ml, and is perfect for storing serums, airless liquids, and other beauty products. Designed with a sleek and modern look, the vacuum bottle is constructed with a double-wall and straight round rotary design that provides an airtight environment, keeping your products fresh and protected. Whether you're on the go or at home, this bottle is a fantastic option.


The MOC PACK brand is a trusted name in the beauty industry. Known for providing high-quality products that prioritize functionality and style, they offer a range of solutions to help you keep your beauty products in pristine condition.


One of the most notable features of the Double Wall Straight Round Rotary Vacuum Bottle is the airless pump dispenser, which ensures that every drop of your product is easily accessible and easy to dispense, meaning you won't have any waste.


The bottle is also leak-proof and break-resistant, making it perfect for travel. The top of the bottle is equipped with a metal ring to provide a comfortable grip, making it easy to open and close

This vacuum bottle is also incredibly easy to clean and refill, making it an ideal choice for anyone who values convenience and practicality. You can simply remove the top and refill the bottle without much fuss or worry.


In addition to its practical features, the Double Wall Straight Round Rotary Vacuum Bottle is also stunningly stylish. Its modern design and sleek look are perfect for anyone who wants to keep their beauty products in an attractive and eye-catching container. Whether you're storing your own products or giving them as a gift, this bottle is sure to impress

Ûşek plastîk 
Place of Origin
Name Brand
Hejmara Model
Ûşek plastîk
Desthilatdariya Rûyê
Çapkirina screen
Use industrial
Materyona bingehîn
Material Body
Material Collar
Tîpa morkirinê
Cream, lotion, etc
Spî reş sor an wek daxwaza we
Serbest tê pêşkêş kirin
Karton Standard
li paş
rojan 25-35
Non Spill
15/30/50 ml
1. em kî ne
Em li Zhejiang, Chinaîn, ji 2019-an dest pê dikin, difroşin Amerîkaya Bakur (30.00%), Ewropaya Rojava (15.00%), Ewropaya Bakur (10.00%), Rojhilata Navîn (10.00%), Okyanûsya (10.00%), Asyaya Başûr (5.00%), Afrîka (5.00%), Asyaya Başûr (5.00%), Amerîkaya Başûr (5.00%), Asyaya Başûr (5.00%). Ewropa (11%). Di ofîsa me de bi giştî 50-XNUMX kes hene

2. em çawa dikarin kalîteyê garantî bikin
Berî hilberîna girseyî her tim nimûneyek pêş-hilberînê;
Berî şandinê Her gav Kontrola dawî;

3. hûn dikarin çi ji me bikirin
Şûşeya plastîk, pompa plastîk, kapek plastîk, spreya plastîk, lûleya kaxez

4. çima divê hûn ji me bikirin ne ji dabînkerên din
Hangzhou Mochen Packaging Co., Ltd li Chinaînê Hilberînerê Pîşeyî yê Lênihêrîna Kesane û Berhemên Kozmetîk e. Berhemên me şûşek, pomp, kap û jar hene, hilberên me ji zêdetirî 50 welatan têne firotin. Pêşîniya Xerîdar, Pêşîn Qalîteya

5. em dikarin çi xizmetê bidin
Mercên Radestkirina Pejirandin: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, CPT, DDP, DDU, Radestkirina Express;
Pereyê dravdana pejirandî: USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY;
Tîpa dravdana pejirandî: T/T, L/C, D/PD/A, MoneyGram, Qerta Krediyê, PayPal, Yekîtiya Rojavayî, Dirav, Escrow;
Zimanê axaftinê: Îngilîzî, Çînî

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Nûnerê me dê di demek nêzîk de bi we re têkilî daynin.
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Nûnerê me dê di demek nêzîk de bi we re têkilî daynin.
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