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Konteynirê deodorant

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5ml 15ml 30ml 50ml 75ml 6ml Stick Deodorant Konteynirê Dagirtina Şêweya Dor Bottles Deodorant Clear Twist Up Stick Tube XNUMXg

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MOC PACK's Round Shape Filling Stick Deodorant Container is the perfect solution for those looking for a reusable and eco-friendly option for their deodorant needs. Available in 5ml, 15ml, 30ml, 50ml, and 75ml sizes, there is an option for everyone.


The clear twist-up stick tube holds 6g of deodorant and makes it easy to apply without the mess. The round shape allows for comfortable grip and easy handling, perfect for on-the-go use.


Made from high-quality materials, these deodorant containers are durable and long-lasting. They can be refilled with your favorite deodorant, reducing waste and saving you money in the long run

The compact size of these containers makes them great for travel and everyday use. They fit easily in your purse or backpack and won't take up too much space.


If you're looking for a way to reduce your environmental impact and still smell fresh all day long, MOC PACK's Round Shape Filling Stick Deodorant Containers are the perfect choice. They come in a set of 10, so you'll have plenty to last you for a while

Tubeya deodorantê ya plastîk 
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Hejmara Model
Tubeya deodorantê ya plastîk
Desthilatdariya Rûyê
Çapkirina screen
Use industrial
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Karton îxracata standard
1. em kî ne
Em li Zhejiang, Chinaîn, ji 2019-an dest pê dikin, difroşin Amerîkaya Bakur (30.00%), Ewropaya Rojava (15.00%), Ewropaya Bakur (10.00%), Rojhilata Navîn (10.00%), Okyanûsya (10.00%), Asyaya Başûr (5.00%), Afrîka (5.00%), Asyaya Başûr (5.00%), Amerîkaya Başûr (5.00%), Asyaya Başûr (5.00%). Ewropa (11%). Di ofîsa me de bi giştî 50-XNUMX kes hene

2. em çawa dikarin kalîteyê garantî bikin
Berî hilberîna girseyî her tim nimûneyek pêş-hilberînê;
Berî şandinê Her gav Kontrola dawî;

3. hûn dikarin çi ji me bikirin
Şûşeya plastîk, pompa plastîk, kapek plastîk, spreya plastîk, lûleya kaxez

4. çima divê hûn ji me bikirin ne ji dabînkerên din
Hangzhou Mochen Packaging Co., Ltd li Chinaînê Hilberînerê Pîşeyî yê Lênihêrîna Kesane û Berhemên Kozmetîk e. Berhemên me şûşek, pomp, kap û jar hene, hilberên me ji zêdetirî 50 welatan têne firotin. Pêşîniya Xerîdar, Pêşîn Qalîteya

5. em dikarin çi xizmetê bidin
Mercên Radestkirina Pejirandin: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, CPT, DDP, DDU, Radestkirina Express;
Pereyê dravdana pejirandî: USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY;
Tîpa dravdana pejirandî: T/T, L/C, D/PD/A, MoneyGram, Qerta Krediyê, PayPal, Yekîtiya Rojavayî, Dirav, Escrow;
Zimanê axaftinê: Îngilîzî, Çînî

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Bêguman Azad

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