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Jar Plastic

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3g 5g bi giştî şûşeyên qutîkê yên nimûneyê şûşeyên qutiyê şûşeyên şûşê yên plastîk ên kremî yên kozmetîkî yên vala XNUMXg XNUMXg

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MOC PACK introduces its newest product, the 3g 5g Wholesale Multi-Colour Diamond Drill Shape Empty Plastic Cosmetic Cream Jar Lip Balm Sample Box Vials. This innovative container is designed to provide an excellent way of storing your beauty products. The product comes in a collection of various colors, making it more appealing to your customers.


The cosmetic jars are made from high-quality materials, making them durable and long-lasting. The diamond-drill shape of the jar adds a touch of luxury to your product while also providing a non-slip grip. The plastic material used in manufacturing the jars is lightweight, making it convenient for your customers to carry. It's an ideal packaging solution for lip balms, eye creams, lotions, and other cosmetic products.


The beauty of the packaging box is in its size. The multi-coloured cosmetic jars are available in two sizes: 3g and 5g. This product is perfect for small lip balm samples or as packaging for your premium cosmetics. With the MOC PACK’s cosmetic jars, you can offer an impressive packaging solution, that's both beautiful and practical.


The vials come empty, allowing you to fill with your beauty products at your convenience. The jars are ideal for bulk orders, providing you with a cost-effective solution in your product packaging. This makes them perfect for wholesalers and retailers looking to purchase in bulk. As a wholesaler, this product gives you the opportunity to offer your customers a wide array of packaging options, depending on their needs.


MOC PACK's Multi-Colour Diamond Drill Shape Empty Plastic Cosmetic Cream Jar Lip Balm Sample Box Vials offers a unique packaging solution that is both attractive and practical. It provides your customers with a stylish and eye-catching product. The product is versatile, and can easily accommodate a wide range of cosmetics, adding an element of luxury to your product line.


MOC PACK's Multi-Colour Diamond Drill Shape Empty Plastic Cosmetic Cream Jar Lip Balm Sample Box Vials offers a cost-effective, practical, and innovative packaging solution. Whether you are a wholesaler or a retailer, this product is perfect for you. It's a product that enhances the value of your product line, attracts potential clients and delivers a beauty experience that will keep clients coming back for more

Description Product
3g 5g bi giştî şûşeyên qutîkê yên nimûneyê şûşeyên qutiyê şûşeyên şûşê yên plastîk ên kremî yên kozmetîkî yên vala XNUMXg XNUMXg
Plastic Cosmetic jar
Place of Origin
Name Brand
Hejmara Model
PS jar
Use industrial
Face mask, Skin Care Cream, Face Cream, Lip Balm etc
Structure Material
Order Order
Materyalên recycled
Kesk kesk şîn orjînala sor an jî wekî daxwaza we
Logo Customized qebûlkirî
li paş
rojan 20-35
Packing & Delivery
Kartonek standard an pakkirina xwerû derxînin
Profile Company
MOC PACKAGING CO., LTD li Hangzhou, Zhejiang ye. Pargîdaniya me bi giranî şûşeyek, pomp, kapek û cerekî, hwd hilberîne. Firotana me ya salane 6 mîlyon dolarê Amerîkî ye, û me berê ji 52 welatên biyanî re tiştan hinarde kiriye.
Pirs û Bersîv
1. em kî ne
Em li Zhejiang, Chinaîn, ji 2019-an dest pê dikin, difroşin Amerîkaya Bakur (30.00%), Ewropaya Rojava (15.00%), Ewropaya Bakur (10.00%), Rojhilata Navîn (10.00%), Okyanûsya (10.00%), Asyaya Başûr (5.00%), Afrîka (5.00%), Asyaya Başûr (5.00%), Amerîkaya Başûr (5.00%), Asyaya Başûr (5.00%). Ewropa (11%). Di ofîsa me de bi giştî 50-XNUMX kes hene

2. em çawa dikarin kalîteyê garantî bikin
Berî hilberîna girseyî her tim nimûneyek pêş-hilberînê;
Berî şandinê Her gav Kontrola dawî;

3. hûn dikarin çi ji me bikirin
Şûşeya plastîk, pompa plastîk, kapek plastîk, spreya plastîk, lûleya kaxez

4. çima divê hûn ji me bikirin ne ji dabînkerên din
Hangzhou Mochen Packaging Co., Ltd li Chinaînê Hilberînerê Pîşeyî yê Lênihêrîna Kesane û Berhemên Kozmetîk e. Berhemên me şûşek, pomp, kap û jar hene, hilberên me ji zêdetirî 50 welatan têne firotin. Pêşîniya Xerîdar, Pêşîn Qalîteya

5. em dikarin çi xizmetê bidin
Mercên Radestkirina Pejirandin: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, CPT, DDP, DDU, Radestkirina Express;
Pereyê dravdana pejirandî: USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY;
Tîpa dravdana pejirandî: T/T, L/C, D/PD/A, MoneyGram, Qerta Krediyê, PayPal, Yekîtiya Rojavayî, Dirav, Escrow;
Zimanê axaftinê: Îngilîzî, Çînî

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Nûnerê me dê di demek nêzîk de bi we re têkilî daynin.
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